- IISRR-International Journal of Researches (Print and Online version)
- Books/ Monographs
- Booklets / leaflets for Social Awareness
[wptab name=’Programes’]
- For University Administrators
- School Teachers
- Social Reformers
- Environmental Activists
- Rag-pickers
- Adolescents
- Science Teachers for developing No-Cost/ Low-Cost/ Folk Toys -Teaching Aids
- Farmers/ House wives
- Mothers and Children
[wptab name=’Awareness’]
- Seminar/ Symposium
- Conferences
- Quiz Contests
[wptab name=’Other Activities’]
- As to be suggested by the stakeholders
- Governing Body
- Collaborator / Sponsors with/ by the Funding Agencies
(N.B: Suggestions from all for organizing other activities are earnestly solicited. Please send your suggestion to the President/ Director, IISRR, online or by email- iisrr09@gmail.com/asitkd09@gmail.com)